Jimmys Hotel - (Accommodation in Sidari)

John S

Reply to Emma B's query

Jimmy's is next to the 'Olympic Palace' which is a place where people hold functions and it is not an hotel. Both are just a couple of hundred metres along the road that leads from the main Sidari Supermarket and Petrol Station towards Roda, Acharavi and Kassioppi etc.
Hope you know those places of reference I've mentioned.

Jimmys Hotel - (Accommodation in Sidari)

John S          10/10

I have stayed at Jimmy's many times over quite a few years and even when not actually residing there for my holiday period I have been unable to keep away.

Jimmy (Dimitri), his wife Erietta, son Alex and daughter Niah are all the perfect hosts and provide a very warm welcome to their guests and anyone else that happens to drop in to use their facilities.
The place has to be good to have so many people going back time and time again and over the years my family and I have made so many friends who we met at Jimmy's that if we had a reunion there, there would not be enough rooms to accomodate them all.
I was last there with my wife Yvonne in September 08 and will be back again in May 09, meeting up with old friends and no doubt making even more.
The place is brilliant...... Try it and you'll see what I mean.
PS. Sophia the cleaner is very nice and does a great job.

Jimmys Hotel - (Accommodation in Sidari)

John S

Just a quick 'Hello' to some of those who we met at Jimmy's who have helped make our holidays there so special and to some who we will definately be seeing again next year.

Lindsey....Thanks for the introduction to the 'Gas Chamber Bukas'. You and your family were great. All the best for the future. We'll miss you by a week or so in 2009.
'Stickman', you be careful with the 'T' shirts and watch out for the moving bushes at night after drinking with Alex and we wish you every success getting into your ladies underwear...............................business.
ALEX..... We hope that all goes well for you and say hi to that nice English girl that you were looking after, when you see her again........What was her name? (Emma), What?, Who is she? Tell me again.
See you all in May.......