Seaside Taverna Aparthotel - (Accommodation in Kavos)


The *scottish* thing was cause I'd written "scottich!" Yeah I was talkin about the lovely beach behind our hotel it was vile werent it!!! We often went to Buzz bar cause the PR's were so funny and the drinks were 4 for 6 euros which is so cheap! Plus they werent crap and watered down! Dya think you'd go again??

Seaside Taverna Aparthotel - (Accommodation in Kavos)


Buzz Bar was just opposite snobs! We went to snobs coz the blonde gal dragged us in but had a nasty cocktail there and didnt really like it so didnt go back there (nightmare avoiding that girl though she was so persistant!) Kavos was such a wicked place, it was defo my best hol so far! Id love 2 work out there actually... that'd surely be an experience!!

Seaside Taverna Aparthotel - (Accommodation in Kavos)


I know, i could defo not be a PR!! Id just like to try bar work i think! Id miss every1 too, but it wud be such an experience! Dunno if i could handle that toilet paper in the bin thing for longer than a week or two though!...that was so grotty! I just really miss the Kavos atmosphere and even watchin films in bars!! hehe x